Saturday, August 23, 2008


Friday, August 8 the awesome nurse from Dr. Cyzner's office calls to tell me they have set an appointment for me to see a surgeon on Tuesday, August 19th. Dr. Dobson. Must not be too worried as that is 11 days away.

Only we are supposed to go to Cleveland the week of the 18th. Guess that's not going to happen. Which is sad because we have a new granddaughter born July 17th that we haven't seen yet. Such is life.

Then on Thursday Dr. Cyzner calls me.  I know it isn't good when the good doctor calls himself instead of having his staff call.  He says there is cancer present in the polyp.  But, he says the edges he looked at were clean and the cancer was only in the middle.  He was pretty sure that all they had to do was remove the polyp and I would be "cured."  His exact words. 

He called at 11:00 am exactly.  Which means that my wonderful husband is down in the health center at work walking on the treadmill and I can't call and tell him.  I'm in shock.  I didn't expect to hear this word.  Although after smoking for over 30 year I should have expected it.  By the time my awesome husband calls me back I have decided that it really wouldn't be nice to tell him over the phone and make up an excuse as to why I wanted him to call me.  We email each other 20 times a day so a phone call is out of the ordinary.  Of course he is pretty sure why I called even though I didn't say.  He tells me that evening that he isn't worried about it.  He promised me 50 years and he isn't going to let anything happen to me before 50 years is up.  And we still have 38 years to go for that.....

Can't say was the best weekend we ever had.  We love our weekends.  Love our time spent together.  That weekend we went to a movied on Saturday - Indiana Jones and the glass walker...I mean glass whatever it was - actually very well done.  I loved the details from the other movies in it.  And they didn't try to make him out to be 21 anymore.  Took our minds off the surgeon for a while.

Then on Sunday my magnificant husband dragged me to see "Ironman."  Yeah, this is something I really want to see.  NOT.  Gag.  The only redeeming feature for me was I do like Robert Downing, Jr.  Still was NOT going to like this movie.  But Mark is incredible.  So if he wants to see it I'll go and not say a word.  This movie was GREAT!  I loved it!  When is the sequel coming out!  Of course that means it did it's job and gave us something besides CANCER to think about. 

So the waiting for the surgeon is almost done......

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