Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chemo round 6 12/29/08

Last chemo of the year. Did not want to go. But as my Dear Hubby said it's going to make me better. Was pretty nauseated last night. that was fun. ginger ale and nausea pills helped.

I have also discovered that my hair has not grown at all since before Thanksgiving. I dyed my hair the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and I still do not have any roots growing out. But on the other hand it's not falling out any more either. yet. The good news is I shaved my legs a week ago and they are as smooth as ever. There are some good sides to this :)

Had a wonderful Christmas in Tampa, FL. with my sister and family. Now we're talking about going to the great white north (Cleveland, OH) for new years. Brrrrr. Was 82 in Tampa. Don't even want to think about what it's going to be like in cleve.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and may your New Year be all that you want it to be.

1 comment:

  1. And your dear Hubby is right,,, each is a step to the last treatment.... I pray today is better than yesterday...kids go back to school next week so maybe we can get together?
    Prayers are with you as always....
